Saturday, February 29, 2020

Aggression In Violent Offenders Psychology Essay

Aggression In Violent Offenders Psychology Essay Anger is considered to be an innate emotion within human beings that is associated with positive and negative qualities. Subjectively, anger can range from mild to severe or from mere irritation to rage (Wright, Day, & Howells, 2009). Anger can positively act to mobilize psychological resources, facilitate perseverance, protect self-esteem, energize corrective behaviors, and communicate negative sentiments. However, anger also holds the negative potential to cause individuals to act out violently and harm themselves or others (Wright, Day, & Howells, 2009). The concept of anger is considered to be multidimensional in that it involves behavioral, cognitive, physiological, and phenomenological variables (Wright, Day, & Howells, 2009). Anger results from interactions between four dimensions such as behavioral reactions, external events, physiological arousal, and cognitive processes (Wright, Day, & Howells, 2009). The association between anger and distorted perceptions can result in th e inability to make appropriate assessments of behaviors, attitudes, and interactions within social contexts (Wright, Day, & Howells, 2009). Anger that has significant intensity, duration, and frequency is referred to as clinical anger. This form of anger is described as being a precursor to health and social difficulties (Gardner & Moore, 2008). These difficulties can occur interpersonally, occupationally, and legally as well as could impact an individual’s physical and mental health (Gardner & Moore, 2008). While clinical anger does not have a criterion for diagnosis, it does serve as a contributing factor to various mental disorders (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Furthermore, anger was described as being central to many forms of violence, which makes anger relevant to treating violent offenders (Wright, Day, & Howells, 2009). Concept of Aggression Aggression is defined as behaviors that are intended to harm another person or persons (Casas, 2005). Much research addressing aggression has focused on physical acts of aggression but has since begun to expand upon the definition of aggression (Casas, 2005). Purdy and Seklecki (2006) asserted aggression is typically associated with harmful and violent acts, such as assaults and homicides. According to Beaver (2009) career criminals are more likely to use serious violence and physical aggression compared to other offenders. In addition, various aggressive and violent crimes such as robbery, assault, rape, and murder are almost exclusively confined to habitual offenders (Beaver, 2009). Tew, Dixon, Harkins, and Bennett (2012) described aggression in relation to offenders in terms of verbal and physical aggression. Verbal aggression consisted of raising one’s voice, shouting, swearing, being abusive, being argumentative, conveying threats, ranting, having an outburst, initiating a confrontation, and bullying (Tew et al., 2012). Acts such as hitting, smashing up belongings, throwing belongings , slamming doors, hitting tables, or acts that resulted in restraint are considered to be physical acts of aggression (Tew et al., 2012). Similarly, Casas (2005) described various forms of aggression. Aggression can be classified as physical aggression, indirect aggression, social aggression, or relational aggression (Casas, 2005). Casas’ (2005) description of physical aggression was consistent with how Tew et al. (2012) described physical aggression. Indirect aggression involves covert and harmful behavior in which a victim is not directly confronted by the perpetrator. Social aggression involves harming another individual’s self-esteem, social acceptance, or social status (Casas, 2005). Lastly, relational aggression is defined as harming another in terms of damaging a relationship, feelings of acceptance, or group inclusion (Casas, 2005). In general, social and biological factors contribute to aggression (Casas, 2005).

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Human Rights Declaration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Human Rights Declaration - Essay Example It will also relate the role of education for community empowerment and of rights advocacy. UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights The United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights is an embodiment of world’s recognition of all persons’ inalienable rights for liberty, property, justice, and peace (UN, 2012). The instrument is upheld globally and is protected by laws or treaties, as ratified by member states, to make it part of the laws of every countries (UN, 2012). The declaration extols human rights as essential component for national development, social cohesion, world peace and in improving opportunities for international or national growth (UN, 2012). The declaration guarantees human freedom, equality and security to fully enjoy the right to life. It rejects all forms of discrimination and violence while it accords to everyone the right to avail legal remedy, fair trial, and equal treatment under rule of law following the doctrine on the presumptio n of innocence until one is proven by court as guilty (UN, 2012). The declaration further assures people of their right to travel, the right for asylum, to acquire property, to be part of associations, to participate in good governance, as well as, the right to privacy (UN, 2012). The law likewise promote the right for social security, education, and to avail opportunities commensurate to anyone’s educational attainment and skills (UN, 2012). ... Elsewhere in the world, repressive regimes have subjected people to severe human rights violations (HRVs) which oftentimes stripped them of their rights to dignity and life. Some cases would even illustrate how the state resorts to deprive peoples on their right life, peace and security during war, or in the escalation of state-sponsored crimes, and of terrorism. In Uzbekistan, for example, human rights advocates documented violence and torture that were inflicted to prisoners which prompted the United States, European Union and the European Bank for Reconstruction to investigate (Human Rights Watch, 2011).2 The most prominent report on torture was that photo in 2002 of Muzafar Avazov, a religious human rights advocate, who died after he was submerged by his interrogators in boiling water (HRW, 2011, p. 1). His dead body also bore some marks and scars of violence. Such issue has serious implication about how the criminal and justice system works in Uzbekistan (HRW, 2011, p. 2). The c ase was further aggravated with series of indiscriminate killings which victimized a number of innocent civilians in the areas of Andijan (HRW, 2011, p. 2). This motivated UN to intervene and investigate the pervasive human rights problem even within its criminal justice system. UN also openly condemned the incessant use of force and violence against civil society and decided to enforce sanctions for the abuses made. It wielded international pressure to ask Uzbek government to undertake reforms of governance and in its judicial system. Such case like this has positive implications to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights—as an international policy which set global standard in the introduction of governance and for judicial

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Personal Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Personal Development - Essay Example When I was ten years old, I would destroy my toys in order to get wires out of them, then join them together, connect them via bulbs and small machines to the circuit to see what happened. I have been sponsored by the Qatar Petroleum Company. I will be henceforth working with them. they have sponsored me because I fared well in most of my high school grades. I was one of the top graders in my school. This gave my application an edge over the applications of my peers. I was one of the top 3 students of my high school. At the creative level, I am very good on creativity. For instance when I was young, I exercised my creativity by connecting a battery to the correct direction. Then I realized that the small machine is only connected to the circuit in a certain way. When I would change the poles side connected to the circuit, the machine would spin in the other direction.  . And when I change the poles side connected to the circuit, the machine spins in the other direction. I am also c o-operative and I like teamwork. I joined the school mathematics team in the high school and competed in different competitions like the mathematics Olympics which were held in my school and we won most of them. I also joined the school football team in the high school. I am interested in football, poetry, swimming and surfing the internet in my spare time. My parents trusted me when I was fourteen to look after my young brothers and to take care of them for six months I will join different sports such as football and swimming teams. And I will also join clubs and I will participate in different activities. SELF-ASSESSMENT And Motivation factor: The Portfolio I am presenting exhibits hours of self-assessment and reports. The purpose of this portfolio is to emphasize my strengths, skills and competencies. I am a committed, hardworking individual who is able to work effectively in a team; in addition I have strong communication skills and confidence. I can also demonstrate advanced pr oblem solving skills that will help me a lot in financial advising, my drive and ambition ensure I will be a valuable addition in any company. I like to take the approach that I am my own company. I think I am proud of my skills and my ability to counteract any negatives by offering a solution in difficult situations. This means turning those negatives into positives. My time management skills and other skills like, Communications (listening, reading, speaking and writing), Mathematics and Analytical Ability, Career Exploration, Teamwork/Leadership is excellent and I am organized and efficient. I prefer to complete the project well ahead of schedule. I am a learner and I belief that if I am not familiar with something I am always keen to learn and implement it if given an opportunity. I am always been motivated by the desire to do a good job at whatever position I am in. I enjoy traveling to explore different working culture with new staff with different background, and I am always ready to face new kind of situation. I am always to keen to learn about different things and adventures. I want to excel to be successful in my job, both for my own personal satisfaction and for my employer. Not only I want to mature with contact to the intricacies of business and cultural management tasks, but I also intend to contribute significantly in increasing the landscape of my organization. MY GOALS, Work Philosophy and My SWOT: Goal setting is important for everyone to reach their Dreams