Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Is There a God - 1820 Words

The question of whether there is any clear evidence of Gods existence, tried to argue for many centuries, by engaging in this enlightened minds, representing both positions on this controversy.In recent years, evidence refuting the possibility of the existence of God have become the cause of many clashes, accusing at the same time anyone who dares to say that he believes in God, a man who believes illusions and irrational.Karl Marx stressed that everyone who believes in God must suffer from a mental disorder which affects its ability to correct thinking.The psychiatrist Sigmund Freud wrote that a person who believes in God the Creator has the illusion and asserts itself in this belief because they believe in the factor fulfilling the†¦show more content†¦es-the reality of eternal or reality that has been created by something eternal: an eternal universe or the eternal Creator.In the eighteenth century theologian Jonathan Edwards summed it up as follows:†¢ Something exis ts†¢ something can not be created from nothing†¢ It is therefore necessary and eternal something there mustnote that we must go back to the eternal something. Atheists, who mock believers in faith in the eternal Creator must turn and grasp the eternal universe, this is the only way you can choose.But now the question arises where the evidence leads me?Is the evidence confirms that the matter arose before mind or mind before matter?Every scientific or philosophical evidence we move away from the eternal universe to the eternal Creator.From a scientific standpoint, honest scientists admit that the universe had a beginning, and whatever has a beginning is not eternal.In other words, anything that has a beginning has also a cause, and if the universe had a beginning, was also a cause.The fact that the universe had a beginning is proved eg by the second law of thermodynamics, radiation echo of the Big Bang was discovered at the beginning of 1900, the fact that the universe is e xpanding, you can refer to the fact that it had a beginning, or the theory of relativity of Einstein.All this confirms that the universe is not eternal.Besides, the rights associated with causality seem to deny that the universe was the ultimate cause of explaining the origins ofShow MoreRelatedGod s God : God813 Words   |  4 PagesGod being in control and intimately involved with His creation is essential to our faith as Christians. 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